Reference Library

Pedal Evidence
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DiMaggio, John A.: The Emerging Science of Forensic Podiatry, Podiatry Management Magazine, pp14-151, August 2005.
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Gordon, C. C. and Buikstra, J. E., “Linear Models for the Prediction of Stature and Boot Dimensions,” Journal of Forensic Sciences, JFSCA, Vol. 37, No. 3, May 1992, pp. 771-782.
Gunn, D.P.M., N., “Old and New Methods of Evaluating Footprint Impressions by a Forensic Podiatrist,”British Journal of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, 3(3), 8-11, 1991.
Howsam, N., Bridgen, A. (2018). A comparative study of standing fleshed foot and walking and jumping bare footprint measurements. Science & Justice, 58(5), 346-354.
Kanchan, T., Krishan, K., Shyamsundar, S., Aparna, K. R., & Jaiswal, S. (2012). Analysis of footprint and its parts for stature estimation in Indian population. The foot, 22(3), 175-180.
Kennedy, R. B. (2005). Ongoing research into barefoot impression evidence. In Rich, J., Dean, D.E., Powers R.H., (Eds.). Forensic Medicine of the Lower Extremity: Human Identification and Trauma Analysis of the Thigh, Leg, and Foot (pp. 401-13).
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Nirenberg, M., Ansert, E., Campbell, J., & Curran, M. (2020). Chasing ghosts: An investigation of the ghosting phenomenon in footprints. Science & Justice, 60(5), 432-437.
Nirenberg, M., Ansert, E., Campbell, J., & Curran, M. (2020). Forensic implications of foot arch index comparison between dynamic bare footprints and shoe insole foot impressions. Science & justice: journal of the Forensic Science Society, 60(4), 375-380.
Nirenberg, M. S., Ansert, E., Krishan, K., & Kanchan, T. (2019). Two-dimensional metric comparison between dynamic bare and sock-clad footprints for its forensic implications–A pilot study. Science & Justice, 59(1), 46-51.
Nirenberg, M. S., Ansert, E., Krishan, K., & Kanchan, T. (2019). Two-dimensional linear analysis of dynamic bare footprints: A comparison of measurement techniques. Science & Justice, 59(5), 552-557.
Nirenberg, M. S., Ansert, E., Krishan, K., & Kanchan, T. (2020). Two-dimensional metric comparisons between dynamic bare footprints and insole foot impressions-forensic implications. Science & Justice, 60(2), 145-150.
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Seckiner, Dilan, Xanthé Mallett, Philip Maynard, Didier Meuwly, and Claude Roux. Forensic gait analysis—Morphometric assessment from surveillance footage. Forensic science international 296 (2019): 57-66.
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Forensic Podiatry / Pedal Evidence
DiMaggio, John. A. Vernon, Wesley Forensic Podiatry - Principles and Methods, Second Edition, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, 2017. Available HERE.
Birch, Ivan, Michael Nirenberg, Wesley Vernon, and Maria Birch. Forensic Gait Analysis: Principles and Practice. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 2020. Available HERE.
Rich DPM, Jeremy, Dean MD, Dorothy E., Powers PhD. Forensic Medicine of the Lower Extremity. Humana Press, CT., February 2005.
Thompson, Tim and Black, Sue, Forensic Human Identification – An Introduction. CRC Press, 2007.
Associated Subjects to Forensic Podiatry
Abbott, John. Footwear Evidence. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1964.
Bodziak, William J. Footwear Impression Evidence. Second Edition,New York: Elsevier, 2000.
Cassidy, M.J. Footwear Identification. Salem, Ore: Lightning Powder Co., 1995.
Donatelli, Robert. The Biomechanics of the Foot and Ankle. Philadelphia: F.A.Davis, 1990.
Eckert, William G. Introduction to Forensic Sciences. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Inc., 1997
Fisher, Barry A.J. Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation, CRC Press, 7th Edition, 2004.
Goonetilleke, RS., ed. The science of footwear. CRC Press, 2012.
Haglund, Wm. D. and Sorg, Marcella H. Forensic Taphonomy. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Inc., 1997.
Hilderbrand, Dwane S. Footwear, the Missed Evidence. Temecula, CA: Staggs, 2007.
Perry, Jacquelin. Gait Analysis – Normal and Pathologic Function. Thorofare, N.J.: Slack Inc., 1992.
Pickering, Robert B. and Bachman, David C. The Use of Forensic Anthropology. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Inc., 1997.
Rathbun, TA., Buikstra, JE. Human Identification. Charles C. Thomas, 1984.
Robbins, L. M. Footprints: Collection, Analysis and Interpretation. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1985.
Root, Merton L. Orien, William P. and Weed, John H. Normal and Abnormal Function of the Foot. Vol. 2, LosAngeles: Clinical Biomechanics Corporation, 1997.
Rossi, D.P.M., William A. and Tennant, D.P.M., Ross. Professional Shoe Fitting, New York: National Shoe Retailers Association, 1984.
Saferstein, Richard. Forensic Science-From the Crime Scene to the Crime Lab: Pearson Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2009.
Sarrafian, Shahan K. Anatomy of the Foot and Ankle, Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1983.
Ubelacker, Douglas. Bones – A Forensic Detectives Casebook. New York: Harper Collins, 1992.
Valmassy, Ronald L. Clinical Biomechanics of the Lower Extremity. St. Louis: Mosby – Year Book, Inc., 1996.
Vanderkolk, J. (2009). Forensic comparative science: qualitative quantitative source determination of unique impressions, images, and objects. Elsevier Academic Press.
Legal / Expert Witness
Sacks, Michael E. An Overview of the Law: A Guide for Testifying and Consulting Experts. Danvers, MA: LRP Publications, 1995
Feder HA and M Houck, Succeeding as an Expert Witness. 4th edition. CRC Press; Boca Raton, FL.2008
Black, Henry Campbell. Black’s Law Dictionary. Abridged 6th ed. St. Paul, MN: West, 1991
Cantor, J.D., Benjamin J. The Role of the Expert Witness in a Court Trial. Belmont, MA: Legal Evidence Photography Seminars,
Rabinof, Marc A. and Holmes, Stephen P. The Forensic Expert’s Guide to Litigation. Danvers, MA: LRP Publications, 1996.
The Canadian Society of Forensic Science
The International Association for Identification
The American Academy of Forensic Sciences
Consortium of Forensic Science Organizations
Southwestern Association of Forensic Scientists - SWAFS
Northwest Association of Forensic Scientists
Visible Proofs: Forensic Views of the Body: Resources: Web Links